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Due to the tight economy we have reduced the prices of some of our products. We have also rewritten portions of the “Dry-stacked wall dimensions” chapter to improve clarity. We have also added new information related to the dry-stacked home roof trusses and roof sheathing considerations.

The hard copy book is completed and is now available for shipping. It has an ISBN: 9798990125018 and is also listed in the Library of Congress with its Library of Congress Control Number LCCN: 2024904353. You can always request that your local library obtain a copy that you can check out without having to purchase it yourself.
The website hard copy book limited time sale price will remain at $49 including postage and handling within the USA postal system. The website hard copy book limited time sale price will remain at $44 plus postage and handling fee of $5 within the USA postal system for book rates. For orders placed outside the USA postal system use the optional book shipping link as described on the Buy Now order page.