Preview of Handbook
Do you want to learn how to build a home with dry stacked blocks? This book and website will demonstrate how I did it step by step, with clear and detailed examples. You will see some sample pages from the book listed below. Dry stacked block construction is a simple and effective method that can save you time, money, and complications. You can do most of the work by yourself, even if you are not a professional builder. You just need to follow our guidance to avoid common mistakes. This book will explain the build sequence. If I can do it, so can you!
This book & website are also applicable to tiny house design building when the tiny home does not require mobility. A fixed tiny house build using dry stacked concrete blocks can handle storms and extreme weather events with ease. This book & website will help you build a tiny home that you feel safe in.

You will also gain knowledge about a $42 CAD program called Qcad which will enable you to draw precise and accurate house plans. No need to hire an expensive professional. You can simply find a house floor plan that you like and convert it into half block dimension increments using the Qcad program. This will give you more control and flexibility over your project. And you will be able to design a home that suits your personal needs and preferences. We also have a free training course for Qcad and the YouTube playlist is available here.
This book is based on my personal experience building a large garage and a 2800 square foot home with dry stacked blocks. I did it all by myself when I was 61 years old, except for two tasks that required assistance. Pouring the monolithic slab and installing the metal roof required assistance. I also did my own electrical, plumbing, septic, and drain-field work. You can do it too, with this book and website as your guide.
Don’t wait any longer. Start planning your dream home today. This book will help you achieve a high-quality home that will increase in value and maintain its low maintenance appeal. Listed below are sample pages from the book.
Sample book page camera pictures